jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Cathedral de Saint-Denis.

This is a gotic cathedra and it olso the place where are buryed the majority of the kings of France. It is situated near Fance, in Sain-Denis. 

I like cathedral because is similar than the Noterdam cathedral.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Before the 1883 eruption, Krakatoa consists of three islands and several islets. The Krakatoa island was 9 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide.

There were three volcanic cones on Krakatoa: Rakata, Danan, and Perboewatan. Danan may have been a twin volcano. Krakatoa is directly above the subduction zone Eurasian and Indo-Australian Plate, where the plate boundaries undertake a sharp change of direction, possibly resulting in an unusually weak crust in the region.


jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

The castle Eketorp.

This castle is a fort from the midel aged, it was build in the 5º century, that is situated shoutheast of  Öland, Sweden. it was rebuild in the midel aged and expanded during the midel aged. This fort was used in diferent ways: like ringfort, like hideout, a garrison for military order... In the 20º century was rebuild again to convert in a turistic place and in place in were you can show medieval battels and it was converted in history cal museum, and here we can see som objects thats were found in the escavation of 1974