viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

The brige of Magdalena is the most beautiful brige of Pamplona. It is considered  building of Cultural Interest and historic monument . Its origins is romanic. It was build in XII. The last remoderation was in 1963. The brige of Magdalena cross the river Arga in a wonderful landscape, the park of Tejeria. The most important think is that it is the enter door of the way of Santiago.


jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Cathedral de Saint-Denis.

This is a gotic cathedra and it olso the place where are buryed the majority of the kings of France. It is situated near Fance, in Sain-Denis. 

I like cathedral because is similar than the Noterdam cathedral.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Before the 1883 eruption, Krakatoa consists of three islands and several islets. The Krakatoa island was 9 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide.

There were three volcanic cones on Krakatoa: Rakata, Danan, and Perboewatan. Danan may have been a twin volcano. Krakatoa is directly above the subduction zone Eurasian and Indo-Australian Plate, where the plate boundaries undertake a sharp change of direction, possibly resulting in an unusually weak crust in the region.


jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

The castle Eketorp.

This castle is a fort from the midel aged, it was build in the 5º century, that is situated shoutheast of  Öland, Sweden. it was rebuild in the midel aged and expanded during the midel aged. This fort was used in diferent ways: like ringfort, like hideout, a garrison for military order... In the 20º century was rebuild again to convert in a turistic place and in place in were you can show medieval battels and it was converted in history cal museum, and here we can see som objects thats were found in the escavation of 1974

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

alcazar of segovia

The construction is a important "sintoísta" shrine thot are build edge the Nile Kamo is made  was finished on 678 


domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

The mosque of Cordoba in the times of Almanzor

The mosque of Cordoba has beautiful arts. Inside the mosque it has round arches that in cornering have red streaks. Also it has horseshoe arches inside her. Inside the mosque they have a mode. The mosque has numerous chapels like the chapel of villaviciosa and royal chapel. The mosque has a courtyard called the Patio de los Naranjos. It is located in the northern part of the mosque. It is named for the 98 orange trees it contains. One of them is the source of santa maria.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

I was living in  carilinge empire, I was 14 year old and I have sort blak hear, I was very toller than other children lived in my city, my clotes are the same that other rich children. I went tohe schooll  the schooll and there I was studied a lot of matter like: Matts, Language, Science, Religion... This subjet were given the islamic state, because this empire was a big library that there had a lot of books thats a lot of science

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

Wo was Almanzor.

In one of my trips I went to Granada and there I was bisited Almanzor the leader of granada. This person was a militar politician of Media Alzahira since 967 to 1002 but in 1002 Almanzor died.

I want know this person but I was scheming for knowing what this person thinks and his idea for his Empire.

I sent him a letter to meet I the souk. I was waitig a lot of days and finally he sent me another letter for remai  home.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

the school of the traductors.

I went to Toledo and there I saw the school of the traductors. There were Muslims, Judish and Christians. The bilding was in outskirts of Toledo.

There were a lot of tranlate manuscripts in different language like the islamic, the latin, the Greek...
This manuscripts were about the philophosofy, the religion and the general culture like the geography of the empire.

I brought a manuscripts to translate for the Arabian to the Latin and in this manuscript was information about the theory thats saied that the sun is the center of the world.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

Eduardo: إدواردو 
Sergio: سيرجيو  
To plant: أخمصي
Pencilcase: حالة
Desk: جدول

jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

My new gadget

In my ultimate travel, I am decided to make a gadged to the islamic state. This gadged are the medicine to facilitate the survival of a lot of people. This medicine is  the medicine for the illnes like the blach plague and a other illnes like the cold, the fever...

The Muslims are very thankfull bat I am facilitated a lot of problems bekause I am thrifty a lot of kill . And I am bery happy because I am helped a lot of people.

the diference tan the Christians and the Muslims

In a one trevel I sow the art of two diferent empire the Muslims and the Christians.  I am investigated the religión of this two diferent empire and I sow some diference like the building for the muslims there are the mosque and for the christians are the church.

Another diference are the god fore the muslims are "Ala" and for the Christians are"Dios/Jesús". A curiosity of the religión of the Muslims are the traditional mass was make on friday and the christians make on sunday.

comparative: Byzantine Empire and Carolingian Empire

- The Carolingian maximum spiritual authority was the pope, whereas in the Byzantine it was the Patriarchof Constantinople.
- The language in the Carolingie empire it was the latin whilst in the Byzantine it was Greek.
- The Byzantine empire had a more different city than the Carolingian.
- The Carolingian were catholics while that orthodox Byzantines.
- The Carolingian empire had a much complex territorial organization that the Byzantine.

Battle in Roncesvalles

I could see in the battle of Roncesvalles a lot of persons dead. We come to pamplona and after to Zaragoza. Entering to Zaragoza, came the news to the "sajones" and the francs started to retreat. Took away with itself Sulayman al-Arabi as a hostage. To the arrive back to Pamplona we throw down the ramparts and from there we went to the Pyrinees. There in a narrow space they attacked us from the rear. One some fell a ravine and one small part escaped.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

The traveled from toledo to Constantinopla

My travel to Constantinopla he had a long way. For my travel some days I see castles, small cities, fortress ... But the most taht I see in my traveled is trees, mountains, rivers ... When I arrived to the border between Francia and España I was cold. When I crossing the Pyrenees I was happy. Step the days I saw the nature more relaxed. They spent a few days and finally we arrived to our destination.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

The secret of the muslims

One day I was with a group of muslims and after be a time with them, they told me a secret.

The muslims discobered a forgiven book for europe. This book had the dates were the world would end. this book had another informations like the cure for serious illness like the black plague and for another simple illnes like flu... And they taught me how to preparate this antidote.

Another secret they told me was haw they made the alfavet and how they used it like the decoration for the mosque and...

Dialogue whit the emperor

- Me: Sir  Charlemagne, could  I ask you some questions.

- Charlemagne: Yes, of course.

- Me: Let us begin. When did you start to be a king?

- Charlemagne: The 25th of December I  was  elected for the papa Leon III in Roma.

- Me: How many brothers do you have?

-Charlemagne: I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

-Me: I think that you are more but It´s a good number.

-Me: I have more questions. How many empire did you conquire?

-Charlrmagne: I conquired a lot of empire like the empire of Sajons.

-Me: Thanks for your time. I enjoyed this moment.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

    The day with the Emperor.

I have told in the other post that I travelled to Italy and then I went  riding to the Byzantine Empire and there I told with a lot of importants people for achieve to talk with the emperor. I wanted to talk with him because I wanted to ask him a lot of questions like: How many Empires did you conquert?,Which Empire would you like to conquist?,When did you become Emperor of Byzantine?...

The conclusion of this meeting was that the emperor was very ambitius but this ambition let him to conquer a lot of others empires

My travel in the Middel Age.

I started this travel in Cataluña. In Cataluña I saw a lot of market in the center of the villages.Then I went riding to Pamplona and I saw the big wall that was a protection for the citizen of the village.The next place that I visited was France which was goverment by the empire of Francos. Then I moved to Rome and there I met "Teodorico el grande"and I asked question for his empire. Then I decidedto go to Constantinopla where  I saw a historic battle between the turk and byzantine..

The conclusion of this travel was that in the middle ages there were a lot of differents empire with differents traditions.

domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

Marco Polo

Marco Polo was born in 1254, in Venice, Italy. He traveled extensively with his family, journeying from Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295. He remained in China for 17 of those years. Around 1292, he left China, acting as consort along the way to a Mongol princess who was being sent to Persia. His book Il milione describes his travels and experiences and influenced later adventurers and merchants

Marco Polo was born in the year 1254 to a wealthy Venetian merchant family. Much of his childhood was spent parentless, and he was raised by an extended family. Polo's mother died when he was young, and his father and uncle, successful jewel merchants Niccolo and Maffeo Polo, were in Asia for much of Polo's youth. 
Their journeys brought them into present day China, where they joined a diplomatic mission to the court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol leader whose grandfather, Genghis Khan, had conquered Northeast Asia. In 1269, the two men returned to Venice, and immediately started making plans for their return to Khan's court. During their stay with the leader, Khan had expressed his interest in Christianity and asked the  brothers to visit again with 100 priests and a collection of holy water.
Khan's Empire, the largest the world had ever seen, was largely a mistery to those living within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. A sophisticated culture outside the reaches of the Vatican seemed unfathomable, and yet, that's exactly what the Polo brothers described to confounded Venetians when they arrived home.

sábado, 9 de enero de 2016

 Benjamin de Tudela

Benjamin set out on his journey from the northeast Iberian Peninsula around 1165, in what may have begun as a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It has been suggested he may have had a commercial motive as well as a religious one. On the other hand, he may have intended to catalog the Jewish communities en route to the Land of Israel to provide a guide where hospitality could be found for Jews traveling to the Holy Land, or for those fleeing oppression elsewhere. He took the "long road," stopping frequently, meeting people, visiting places, describing occupations and giving a demographic count of Jews in each town and country that he visited.

His journey began in the city of Zaragoza, further down the valley of the Ebro to Tarragona, Barcelona, and Gerona, whence he proceeded north to France, and then set sail from the port of Marseilles. After visiting Genoa, Lucca, Pisa, and Rome in present-day Italy he next went to Greece and Constantinople, and then set off across Asia. He visited Syria, Lebanon, the Land of Israel, and northern Mesopotamia (which he called Shinar) before reaching Baghdad. From there he went to Persia, then cut back across the Arabian Peninsula to Egypt and North Africa, returning to the Iberian Peninsula in 1173. His visit to the ruins outside the city of Mosul in Iraq is one of the earliest accurate descriptions of the site of ancient Nineveh. He visited in all, over 300 cities, including many of importance in Jewish history, such as Susa, Sura, and Pumbedita in Iraq. In addition, he gathered information on many more areas which he heard about on his travels, including China and Tibet. He recorded details on cultures such as that of Al-Hashishin, the hemp smokers, introducing Western Europeans to people and places far beyond their experience.